Parent Partner
School Contract Services
Intern Training
Professional Referral Service
Information, Free Screening and Referral

Parent Partner
Services include helping parents with the process of requesting services from the School District or assisting parents with the process of qualifying for services or attending IEP meetings.
School Contract Services
Cucamonga School District: The Agency provides a wide range of mental health services for the schools in our region. Services are provided by Agency counselors at local public school sites. Program services include short-term counseling for students at school, crisis intervention, enhanced counseling services for schools desiring customized counseling programs, in-service training for faculty and staff, information and referral services, and administrative consultation.
Intern Training
Graduate students from many universities participate in structured, supervised internships. This award-winning program offers individual and group supervision, in addition to a training curriculum for tomorrow's mental health professionals. Learn more...
Professional Referral Service
​A network of local, licensed, mental health professionals who have agreed to provide reduced-fee services to individuals referred by the Agency helps fill the gap in services for persons of moderate means. The Agency maintains and updates a registry of therapists who are interested in providing services through this referral system.
Information, Free Screening & Referral
​The Agency receives over 1,000 inquiries regarding mental health services each year. Many of these inquiries result in direct services at one of our facilities. Each week, trained staff members assist individuals in determining how to access mental health care that is most appropriate to their needs. The Agency maintains a directory of available community resources to assist individuals in making linkages that can most effectively address each caller's circumstances.