Ages 0-8
West End’s early intervention services provide children from birth to eight years of mental health services in group and individual sessions. Some children will be eligible for Occupational or Speech Therapy as part of their treatment. Parenting classes and support are offered to parents and caregivers of children served in our programs. Children are seen at the clinic or some services can be provided in the community or in the clients’ homes.

West Valley SART
Screening, Assessment, Referral, Treatment (SART)
Supported by First 5 San Bernardino and Behavioral Health funding, a specially trained trans-disciplinary team of Agency professionals including mental health therapists, psychologists, pediatricians, and a registered nurse provides Screening, Assessment, Referral, and Treatment (SART) for children under the age of seven.
We work with children with, anxiety, extreme shyness, aggression, lack of focus, developmental problems, and other behavioral and emotional challenges. Our therapists have expertise with children who are struggling in preschool and kindergarten and those with a history of trauma or drug exposure.
We provide parents with coaching and parenting skills and training. The program can refer some children for Occupational Therapy and Speech therapy.
Eligibility: Children in San Bernardino County with Medi-Cal.
Early Identification and Intervention Services (EIIS)
Linked with our SART program, EIIS includes a range of home, school, and clinic-based services for children under the age of nine who could benefit from social skills, behavioral intervention, and/or enrichment activities.
This program is open to all kids under the age of nine who are residents of San Bernardino County. We provide parents with coaching and parenting skills and training.
Eligibility: Children in San Bernardino County with Medi-Cal and some children with other insurance may be eligible, or children without insurance can receive services at no cost. English and Spanish services are available.